Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What to do...

I didn't eat much for dinner last night, so I woke up hungry this morning. I tried to eat leftovers, but they were too dry, so I couldn't. I have to have my meat moist, and sometimes/often, microwaving it dries it out too much. It's tough because I like to make extra food to have for lunches - much healthier than a sodium packed lean cuisine, and easier than having to come up with something just for lunch.

We really don't have any food in the house, and that's not good for someone trying to make healthy choices. By 10AM I was really hungry, and I thought I'd go to Burger King to get something to eat. The angel and the devil were hard at work to convince me to be good/bad. I was so hungry!

I knew I probably wouldn't be able to eat anything at BK anyway, and if I did, I'd just feel gross, so I ended up having some whole grain crackers with hummus and some pineapple - a much better choice. Still, it's scary to think how quickly I think of eating naughty foods when I'm hungry, and foodless.

1 comment:

Alison... said...

you've been very consistant which is so great but yes, it's easy to slip down that slope of baddness especially when there is nothing in the house and you're hungry.