Friday, June 13, 2008

Beach bound

We had such a nice visit at the beach with my Mom, our dear family friend Linda, and my Aunt Tina. I went for a walk to Nubble light, and Long Sands beach, and back to Short Sands beach, and it was refreshing and beautiful to walk along side the water (and all of my future homes!). It was about 2.7 miles. My Mom and I walked the beach looking for sand dollars, and we rode the waves on our noodles too! I was very proud of her.

The water was freezing, as you can imagine (Maine ocean in JUNE), but thankfully we were numb from it, so we were fine. The waves kept knocking my poor mother over, but she was a great sport! After that, we walked into town and looked around for a bit.

We had dinner at the York Harbor Inn, which is a really nice restaurant with fantastic ambiance. I hadn't been there since just before my sisters wedding with her bridal team. (I refuse to say bridesmaids...LOL) After that, we headed over to Brown's for 99% fat free frozen yogurt, in an attempt to watch the sun set, but we just missed it. We drove over to Nubble Light and stared out across the expanse of water to one of America's most beloved lighthouses. My Mom told Darcy the story of how when a family used to live there, many years ago, they would send their son to school in a little box, hung from cables, to get him to land from their small island. I wish they gave tours. I think it would be fascinating.

Today I'm down just about all of the water weight from yesterday. I'm glad, considering we had a late dinner followed by dessert! :)


Alison... said...

sounds like you had a wonderful time in Maine - and boy,your mom is SUCH a good sport. I'm tellin ya, she would go along with anything that you wanted to do as long as it's active. She's unbelievably supportive!

Anonymous said...

I imagine the bos thing was cheaper than gas. Do they ofer that at Caritas??