Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome

Ulnar tunnel syndrome is carpal tunnel syndrome's estranged cousin. It's a very similar issue, but the ulnar nerve is in the elbow, as you can see above. I was diagnosed with ulnar tunnel syndrome (in both elbows) many years ago. It's mildly annoying, but from time to time, it really flares up - usually related to a bad work station set up.

Last night, it really started to flare up, and I took some tylenol and went to bed. It was a bit better this morning, but now that I've been working for 4 hours, it's already acting up again. I just took some tylenol, and I'm hoping it helps. If it doesn't get better, I won't be able to go kayaking (for long) later, and I'm really looking forward to that for my exercise.

It's too hot to go hiking, and it's my turn for upper body at the gym, which I also can't do with my elbow feeling as it does.

I'm sure I'll figure something out, but it seems like there's a conspiracy to keep me from exercising! ;-)


Alison... said...

I think you're going to end up having surgery for that - it seems to be getting progressively worse.



Anonymous said...

I hope this elbow problem will not interefere with the beauty pageant wave I have been teaching you.