Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Exercise Update

I think my last update was on Saturday... D and I went to the gym on Sunday AM. We did lower body.

3 sets/8 reps:

Ab curl (90 lbs)

Torso Rot R (130 lbs)

Torso Rot L (130 lbs)

Hip abduction (outer - 130 lbs)

Hip abduction (inner - 130 lbs)

Calf ext. (250/350 lbs)

Leg press (250 lbs)

Seated calf raise (170 lbs)

Leg ext. (90 lbs)

Seated Leg curl (90 lbs)

I skipped working out yeste.rday. I had planned to kayak, but the day got away from me. Steph and Carolyn came over for dinner, and then we visited with Lanie and Billy for a bit. I worked on homework until 10PM, and after that I watched a little TV to unwind.

I don't plan to go to the gym until tomorrow, but today I'm planning to go kayaking, and I'm looking forward to the work out!


Alison... said...

Good job on always being so consistant with your exercise! You miss a day now and then but that is OK

Kristen said...

Thanks. I am trying to average 6 days/week, so missing one day is okay, but that means I need to get the rest of the days in!