Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dreading the weekends

I was reading Alison's blog, and over the past few weeks she has mentioned how the weekends can be tough. I had forgotten that phenomenon until her blog reminded me. A lot of the success of following a healthy eating regimen is related to consistency, and the regimen itself. It makes sense that weekends can be a challenge, because they are far more unpredictable than the work week.

When I first started this journey, I dreaded the first weekend tremendously. I was on a liquid diet, and I couldn't imagine what I was going to do with myself for two days. I got through it, and I had 6 weekends filled with liquid diets, including the month before surgery and the 2 weeks after. Once I was back to solid foods, I was just so happy to have options, I never gave it another thought.

I have healthy food in the house, and that's what I cook, no matter what day it is. If I go out to eat, I pick something healthy, and that's just that. I have the food part down, but as I've shared with you, I'm not doing well with the gym. I'm not sure why. I enjoy working out.

I know I was sick for a long time, and now that I've been trying to get back in the groove, I've had a ridiculously busy week. I haven't been to the gym since last Sunday. Monday - Thursday I did not get home until it was too late, but I could have gone yesterday, and I didn't. There was no excuse for that. I had a lot of work to do, and homework on top of it, but I still could have fit it in if I really wanted to.

TJ has recommended that rather than trying to get to the gym 5x/week to start off, I should aim for 4. I know for sure I can make it on Saturday and Sunday, so that only leaves 2 days during the week that I need to make it in. That's manageable, even with my crazy schedule. I can do a work out tape at home the other days. I'd like to exercise 6x/week.

I'm going to the gym shortly, and I'm going to start an exercise blog. Don't worry - you don't have to read it. :) I'm just going to start it for myself, to journal my exercise and hopefully it will hold me accountable to working out, just like this blog has held me accountable to my healthy journey in general.

I'm bloated again today. I had 30 grams of fiber yesterday (gross), and not enough water, so that'll do it. I'm going to go easy on the fiber today, hard on the water, work out for at least 60 minutes, and see where I land tomorrow.

I have been averaging 1100 calories per day. My MD said to be between 1200-1400 calories per day, but that was with me working out 5x/week for 60 minutes. On one of my lapband yahoo groups, they often say that women should eat between 800-1100 calories per day, and men should be between 1100-1400. I think my MD has given me more of a buffer because I have more weight to lose than most, so he will eventually plan to cut that number back. I have a fill this Wednesday, so we shall find out more then.

Enjoy your day!


1 comment:

Alison... said...

TJ's right, baby steps... shoot for fewer than you were, reach that goal then shoot for more. Just think of how fast you will hit that 90 pound mark if you hit the gym 4 times a week! Great job!