Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The rollercoaster that is weight loss...

Today I'm up 3 lbs of water weight. I have no idea why. I didn't have a lot of sodium yesterday, I was at 1100 calories for the day, I drank all the water I'm supposed to...who knows. It could just be a lady thing. Maybe we should tell them I'm not a lady. ;-)

I usually drink my water during the day, and I don't have any at night. I wonder if I drank water after dinner, if that would help. I will have to experiment and see.

Sadly, I am still sore from my 60 minutes on the treadmill from Sunday. I don't understand why. If I did 30 minutes, I wouldn't feel anything. It's not like it's THAT much more. I'm hoping that I'll be okay by tonight, because I'd like to do another hour. I'm definitely better than yesterday. Yesterday I was hobbling around like an 88 year old.

I have just 8 days until my next fill, so I'm thinking I won't be down another 8 lbs by then. Oh well. I can still try! If I don't lose any more weight, I will have only lost 7 lbs since my last fill. I'd like to at least get to 10, so that's 3 more lbs.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patience my friend....patience. No reason to sprint for the finish line, you will be a winner whenever you cross it.