Sunday, February 10, 2008

Heading back to the gym...

I am sore today from my workout yesterday. Not too bad, but sore enough. I need to remember to stretch before my work out today. Today I'm working out arms, which should be interesting since I pulled a muscle in my right bicep earlier this week. I'll have to take it easy.

We are taking my grandmother to the Lilac Blossom (a nice Chinese restaurant) today for her birthday. As I usually do when eating out, I looked up their menu online to plan ahead for what I am going to eat. I don't understand why all Chinese restaurants seem to think the only healthy options they can come up with are steamed chicken with steamed vegetables. They could easily make a number of their entrees a little more heart healthy by using lighter sauces, and avoiding frying the meats. Oh well. Steamed chicken with mixed veggies it shall be. I wish they had sushi.

D and I went out for sushi yesterday. It was delicious. Everything I had was fantastic: hot and sour soup, salad in a ginger dressing, tuna roll and a california roll. I had one piece of a shrimp tempura roll that was to die for as well. YUM.

My sister sent me a quote she read on a cooking light message board. Somehow it reminded her of my attitude is a decision post. ;-)

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.”~ Herm Albright

Ha! That is too funny, and I LOVE it.

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