Monday, February 18, 2008

Slow weight loss?

My dad asked me yesterday if I was still losing weight. I know he reads this blog, so he knows that I am indeed still losing weight, but I think he was getting at the pace in which I'm losing... After I confirmed that I was still losing weight, he suggested that it wasn't as fast as I'd like it to be, and I agreed for the sake of conversation, but I don't think I actually agreed.

Since the initial weight that seemed to fall off, I've slowed down to a 2 lb/week average for the past 3 mos. Lap band patients generally lose 1-2 lbs/week on average, and 2 lbs is on the higher end. I haven't even reached my "sweet spot" yet with the fills that will provide me with the right amount of restriction, but I have still been losing an average of 2 lbs/week, and that's perfectly fine with me.

Would I love to take a magic pill that made me thin tomorrow? Sure...maybe...only if it would make me thin for life, and it wouldn't. This whole process has allowed me to gradually make changes that I will keep for life. My thinking and reasoning has been transformed, and my instincts are even different. I have read many studies that suggest the slower you lose weight, the better chance you have of keeping it off.

I may lose weight a little bit faster when I finally hit my sweet spot, but if I don't, I'm okay with it. For once in my life I have gotten past my need for instant gratification, and I am at peace with the fact that I am on a journey of healthy eating and living for life. The end result will be a healthier and happier me - whenever I get there. :)



Anonymous said...

No need to rush it. It will all happen in it's own good tim. Look how fast the time has passed since October and you are at 85. I think you look amazing!

Alison... said...

No wonder you have lofty expectations in everything you do... thank your dad! haha - Just kiddin [1/2] but I'm glad that you have this attitude because in the past, if the weight stopped 'falling off', you would sometimes feel frustated. Slow and steady wins the race!