Sunday, February 3, 2008

I did it!

I just walked three miles in under an hour on the treadmill. My back and legs are fine - the only problem I am having is my feet. I need new sneakers for this training program, and I think I'm going to end up with many many blisters from today's stint. I know that to many people, walking three miles in under an hour is not exactly a giant feat. I think only those of you who have been near the size I was at the beginning of my journey (or even my size now!) can truly appreciate the significance of this accomplishment.

Just five months ago, I couldn't stand for more than a few seconds without being in tremendous pain. Now, without even working up to it, I was able to walk three miles. I know that the reason my back and legs aren't in pain is because I stretched thoroughly before the work out. The 3 day site offers great stretching instructions on their site, and I followed all of them prior to my walk today:

Steph and Carolyn won't be joining us for the walk after all, but if any of you are interested, let me know! The more the merrier.



Kitty said...

Great job Kristen! That is such a huge milestone and you know I am one that can certainly relate. I look forward to the day I can simply walk again unassisted, not to mention for any length of time or distance. Nancy and I will definitely support you guys...whichever walk you decide to do. You ROCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I like the way you keep pushing yourself to take on challenge after challenge. Those walks are so much fun. Everyone always has a great time and of course it is for some great causes.