Monday, February 11, 2008

Pizza night at the gym


Oh yes, the first Monday of every month is pizza night at my gym. I can't imagine why they would think this is a good idea. I get that young men who work out a lot can eat whatever they want and still be fit, but I'm pretty sure they are the only ones who are like that. People are at the gym to get healthy and to look better, and pizza generates results opposite to that.

If you spent an hour on the exercise bike, at level 5, you would burn around 300 calories. That is the same amount of calories in just one slice of cheese pizza. That number grows to 400 if it's Pizza Hut.

So what in the world is the point? I get that they want to do something for their members, and it's easy to set up, and inexpensive, but I bet they could get healthy wraps instead for about the same price. Pretty soon they are going to add the exercise car to the exercise bike area!


Anyway, tonight was not pizza night, but when I saw the sign for it again, I had to comment. My work out was fine, and it's detailed on my phatbusters blog.


Kitty said...

Pizza night at the gym? That sounds like "client security." FEED THEM AND THEY WILL BE BACK!! Weird

Alison... said...

Pizza night at the gym... great... what reedonkulous stoop muscle head thought of that one? You should write an anonymous letter to them about what a bad idea that is and explain why...

Anonymous said...

Pizza night at the gym. Sign me up. Much better than the frozen Bertoli dinner I am forced toeat because we are too lazy to cook after the