Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I never thought the day would come

that I would choose to eat cabbage soup, let alone the day I found it to be too unhealthy for me...but that day has arrived.

I am supposed to drink 5 sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfasts per day while I'm on this liquid diet. That would equal 750 calories. I am also supposed to have tomato soup or V8, etc... I only had a chance to have 2 cups of CIB prior to leaving my office to drive into Boston today, and I became a little hungry around 2...not too hungry, but hungry enough to know I should sieze this opportunity since the next time I will have a chance to "eat" anything will be when I get home around 8ish.

I went to the cafe, and they had shrimp bisque and cabbage soup. I loathe cabbage, but the Good Lord knows I'm not going to eat a fattening bisque for lunch, so I opted for the cabbage soup, which I thought I could just sip the broth of.

I had a few bites, but it seemed to be a little oily, and I became paranoid that it was filled with butter or oil, and I threw it out. Apparently, it's not a fattening soup, and it only has a little bit of margerine in it (I checked with the food services people after - ONLY because I knew them and I was already saying hello, I'm not *that* bad...). It wasn't as disgusting as I would have thought either.

So, you learn something new every day! I do like that I have had this opportunity to try so many new things!


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