Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fighting with Fiber...again

I haven't been doing great with the fiber since I had my fill. Actually, when I was on the liquid diet, I did very well because there is plenty of fiber in those shakes, but now that I'm back on solids, I'm finding it challenging. The problem is that I'm still tight from the fill, and fiber is very filling, so I'm not having enough room for the protein I need while trying to get the fiber in.

I will figure this out, and perhaps, I should have one shake/day because those are not very filling, but they are high in fiber.

I tried to get a good amount in yesterday, and today it has made me feel bloated, which is yet another strike against fiber. Today, I shall strike back with more liquids than usual. Usual is 80-100 oz of water per day.

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