Friday, February 15, 2008

...and it only took 80+ lbs

This week three people who didn't know I had surgery commented that I looked like I've lost a lot of weight. Other than the one person who noticed around the 60 lb mark, this is the first time anyone else has noticed! I think part of it is the fact that I need to buy new work clothes. The ones I have are tooo big. The other part, as I have said before, is that my weight fluctuates so much that I am just now (well, 2 lbs ago) as small as I was when I first started working at my current job - 3 years ago.

When I first started in my current role, I had just lost a ton of weight, as usual, and I was working out a lot. I ended up working 80 hrs/week and healthy eating and time for the gym fell by the way side. During the past few years, there were a few times when I lost 20 or 30 or even 50 lbs, so anything past my smallest point will probably be the most obvious to everyone.

Moving forward, I suspect that people will notice more and more.

Today someone asked me what my trick was, and I said - eating healthy and exercising! That's the truth, even though I omitted the part about the band. I don't mind telling people, but there was a crowd around, and it's just not everyone's business. Clearly.


Alison... said...

healthy eating and exercise, whoda thunk it? Sounds so simple...

Yes, I know you're going to say it is so I'll say it for you - it is [ish]

formerfattie said...
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Kitty said...

isn't it awesome when people start noticing...I figured people wouldn't notice any difference in me till 40 or 50 lbs but I started getting comments around 30...I just recently started wearing smaller clothes and the comments are amazing...I love it...yeah for you!!