Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wimpy work out

I'm working from home this AM until my test, so I went to the gym at 6AM to get that out of the way. I hadn't been to the gym in a while because I was sick, and then I had been working out outside. It was actually good to be back, and I love getting it out of the way first thing. I was feeling a little weak today, and I didn't want to overdo it since I can't eat or drink anything until this afternoon. I did upper body, and although I was on much lower weights than usual, I could feel the burn.
My arms must not be used to those exercises since I haven't done them in a while. My right elbow was bothering me (which happens from time to time due to my unlar tunnel syndrome - a/k/a too much typing, cell phone use and video game playing when I was younger) so I relied on my weaker left arm for a lot of the exercises. I think that's another reason why I had to go lower on the weights.
My knee is still bothering me, and I'm going to call my MD this morning to see if I can get an xray of my knee taken today at the hospital since I have to go to radiology anyway. I need to get it fixed because I'm so limited in what I can do, especially for cardio, with a creaky swollen knee.
Last night was exciting. I got home from work just before 8, I worked until a bit after 9, and I watched a TV show after to unwind, while I drank my barium. My next dose is 9:30. It took me about 20 minutes to get through the first 10 oz. I'm looking forward to getting this behind me. I'm glad it's sunny today, though! That always makes everything better.
Today is another busy day - I'll work from home from 7 - 10:30 when I leave for my appt at 11:30 in Melrose. After that, I'm heading into Boston where I will be until at least 5:30. On my way home, I have an appointment with my advisor for school to sign up for classes. I had it wrong. I only have one week off between classes. They start again next week. I should be home at 7, unfortunately, as I hate to eat that late, but I don't like to eat out either, so I don't have many options on a day like today.
This will be a good day to kick off my reduced calorie intake, since I can't eat until the afternoon. That's a reminder! I need to bring a lunch so that I'm not forced to buy something that's never very healthy. Once I get home tonight, I'll have more work to do, but at least my work out is out of the way.
Tomorrow shouldn't be quite as crazy. Is it Friday yet?


Anonymous said...

Good Luck with your tests! I hope they can determine what is wrong with your knee. You do need to take care of that.

Alison... said...

Sounds like the day from H E double hockey sticks.


and only 1 week off from school?

double eek.

sux dude