Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reporting back from art class

As you can see from my clumsy images and overstated shadows, I'm quite the natural when it comes to watercolor. LOL

Watercolor is nothing like oils - oils can be corrected, watercolor just has a mind of its own. I had no idea!

So our professor told us to bring in yogurt containers to use to hold water to clean our brushes. Interestingly enough, 50% of my classmates had organic yogurt containers. Who knew! What a healthy bunch those New Hampshirites are! :)

I was pleasantly surprised to see that. Maybe by 2010, 50% of my fellow residents will be on grass fed meats as well!


Anonymous said...

Certainly beter than anything I could paint

Alison... said...

Glad the thrill of your art class was the fact that they're a bunch of crunchy heads -

are ya kiddin me?

The painting came out good!

Hope you enjoy the rest of the semester.