Friday, July 11, 2008

What's for lunch?

I just googled images of food. I'm looking for some ideas. I'm bored with food right now. I had a few reduced fat crackers for breakfast, because the antibiotics I took were hurting my empty stomach. I can't think of anything I want. Who am I?? I used to not be able to think of anything I DIDN'T want.

I'm working from home today, and I don't appear to have any food. There's some leftover pasta that would make me sick if I ate it. I have wraps and pitas, but nothing to put in them. I'm sure there's tuna around here, but no thanks. Darcy has some easy mac I considered making, but I'm all set with the chemicals and junk.

I keep checking my fridge and the cabines to see if I missed something. Nope. I could order something, but everything is junk. I looked on D'angelo's web site to see if I wanted anything they had. A chicken caesar wrap has 820 calories! That's what I eat in an entire day, if I'm lucky! Oy.

Sushi? Nah. Chow Mein? Too much sauce at the place near by. Grilled chicken salad? I'm not in the mood for low fat dressing, and full fat dressing would probably make me sick. Cold cuts on a wrap? Eh. I'm kind of sick of the wraps. That must be a list of all the foods in the world, because now I'm drawing a blank on anything else.

It's 1:30 in the afternoon, and I've only had a few crackers. Now I feel like TJ. I'm pretty sure I'm not even hungry, which is part of the problem. If I were hungry, something may be appealing. On most diets, they tell you not to eat unless you're hungry. That's not the case with the band. Since the band makes you feel full faster, sometimes you just don't feel hungry all day, but you still have to eat. They teach you to eat by the clock when that happens. If it's morning, eat breakfast, noon, lunch, evening, dinner.

What if I don't wanna?


Alison... said...

Oh my GAWD, the day has finally come - you have completely given up food!


I am making a low fat chicken dish for dinner - come on down!

Although it's got crap meat in it so you probably wouldn't like it...

Seriously, for you... do you have any chicken or meat that you can grill? or are you sick of grilled food. I suppose you don't have that since you're organic now...

Alison... said...

I meant to say crab meat

calling Dr. Freud

Kristen said...

good for you making a nice dinner! what is it? a knock off on chicken oscar?

i have meat to grill, and i'm sick of plan old meat. i eat it allll the time.