Last night, Brooke came over. I was out by the mailboxes at the end of the street, and I waived to her, and she drove right past me. She said she didn't recognize me, and she didn't know why some stranger was waiving to her. That is it. I see her at least once/month. What a laugh we had over that one.
I ran into some other people I hadn't seen in a bit last night, and they couldn't get over how different I looked. It's only been a few months, but I guess right now is one of those times when the change is really obvious.
I'm down another lb today, so the total is 146. I'm only 4 lbs away from 150, which is exciting. My sister, nephews and Mom are coming to visit in a few weeks. I'd like to be at 150 by then. That would be nice.
I have a busy weekend scheduled, but not for fun reasons. I have homework for my two classes, a fairly large work project that I need to do over the weekend and a laundry list of items to handle for the milfoil eradication efforts. It's a lot, and it will be hard because it's going to be nice out, and I'm just going to want to be boating!
Luckily, one of my milfoil projects requires me to be on the boat for a long time while I map out where every dock on the waterfront is, so that will be a fun task. I think we'll go hiking tomorrow AM.
I cahn't believe that Brooke didn't recognize you, that is IT! but a good 'it'
The deck project sounds awful...
Congrats on more lbs down- doing a great job as always.
Who are you?
Where are you?
Hello??? Hello???
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