Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Update from the MD

I met with a surgeon yesterday, and she just confirmed that I will need to have a HIDA scan to test my gallbladder function. It's a nuclear medicine test, in which dye is injected into my blood stream. A scanner tracks the dye and traces it throughout my liver, gallbladder, etc... It can tell whether or not there are any obstructions. I've heard it can be painful, and it lasts 2-4 hours, so I'm not exactly looking forward to it. This will be next Tuesday, and then I'll meet with the surgeon next Friday to determine how to proceed.


Alison... said...

yikes, sounds awful but still... necessary.

good luck w/ that.

Anonymous said...

Sounds uncomfortable, but anytime you are forced to wear a johnnie in the company of strangers we are all uncomfortable.

lanie said...

So sorry you have to go through all this *!@#$%^!