Friday, April 4, 2008

Today is my day

I'm going to finally get caught up on lots of things I have fallen behind on this least that's my plan!

I didn't get home from work until 8 last night, and then I worked out until 9 or so, watched an hour of TV and went to bed. I couldn't sleep because I had just worked out, but I was exhausted. That's always a fun feeling.

I felt like yesterday was the first day all week when I left work with less work than I had when I started the day. Granted, it was only slightly less, but we're moving in the right direction. Today I'm working from home, and I hope that will help me to have fewer distractions and unexpected visitors.

I started work this AM at 6:30, and I plan to take a break from work after I get some real food in me to go to the gym for an hour. Then I'll return, and I hope to finish out my day at 5pm. That is my goal. (A 9.5 hr work day - not bad!)

I have been working out and losing all this weight, yet I'm carrying around what appears to be a terrible toupee on my head. Why haven't I gotten my hair done yet? What is the point of all this work if I'm going to look ridiculous. I'd really like to get it cut this evening, so I'm going to see if I can make that happen.

It's also time to buy a new pair of jeans, one size smaller, and 7 sizes smaller than where I started. Yes, Dad, I'm going to be in your size. LOL! Actually, I know they will probably be too tight when I get them, but within no time, they will fit.

So that's that - "my day" means ending work at a normal hour, getting my hair cut, and buying some jeans. Go me.


Alison... said...

aren't you glad it's Friday?


Anonymous said...

I have some old Jordache and Sisley Jeans you can have

Kitty said...

Happy Friday! I hope "your" day was a great one and that you found some quality ME time! Have a great weekend.

Andria said...

You totally should get your hair done. Sometimes it's just the change you need.

So, are you in for Boston 2011? Let me know when you are ready for a marathon and we can virtually train together :)