Friday, April 4, 2008

Enough with the plateau already

I'm still not down anything. It could be bloating from all that fiber yesterday, or it could be the fact that I continue to go up on the weights in my work out, while not eating enough food. My body may be trying to cling onto every calorie I take in, since I'm spending so much more than I'm consuming... I'm not sure.

I haven't seen the nutritionist since October or November, so I think it's time to make an appointment. I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing (except that I'm not eating enough), but it can't hurt to get a professional opinion either!

This is the longest plateau I've had since I've been eating healthy. I've also never exercised more and eaten less than I'm eating now, so something is up. I would probably be more worried about the number on the scale if it weren't for the fact that I'm seeing myself shrink in the mirror. Clothes are getting bigger still, even though that number isn't changing.

My stomach is starting to tighten up. I know that sounds silly because it's still a biggy, but trust me, it is. That is huge for me. My stomach and thighs are major trouble zones, and I'm working them hard at the gym! (more details on phatbusters)

Today is my last day of liquids. I'm supposed to be on liquids for breakfast and lunch, but I'm out of milk, and I felt sick all day yesterday from the Carnation Instant Breakfasts, so I'm just going to have low sodium v8 for breakfast, and I'll eat scrambled eggs for lunch. I know I'm not supposed to have mushies until dinner, but I just can't imagine that a few hours is going to make a difference.

Most MDs only require patients to be on liquids for one day after a fill, mushies for another and then back to solids. My MD is very cautious, which is a good thing, but I know I'll live starting mushies a few hours early.

That's it for now!


Alison... said...

once you're back on solids, have a high cal day - give yourself that spike and I'm sure you'll have a big loss, that seems to work for you - do it!

Andria said...

Plateaus blow, but you know what you are doing. You are seeing the clothes get looser and muscles starting to poke out (that's my favorite part of running, I discovered one can in my six-pack, LOL!).

It will come. You are doing amazing, and you are going to continue to do great.