Friday, April 18, 2008

Real Age

I just took the Real Age test online to see how healthy living has changed my Real Age. If you aren't familiar with the site, I encourage you to check it out. You answer a series of questions about your health, the health of your family members, habits, etc...and it determines what your real age is with those factors considered. I completed the test twice: once with my former stats and lifestyle patterns, and a second one based on my current stats and lifestyle.

My biological age is 31.6
My current "real age" is 30.4 (a difference of -1.2)
My "real age" before I started losing weight and working out was 41.5 (a difference of +9.9)

In seven months, I have turned back my clock by over 10 years! No wonder I feel so energized! LOL


Alison... said...

in 6 more months, you'll be 16 and you will have killed me.


Kristen said...
