Monday, April 28, 2008


My apologies for not posting these past few days. I haven't been feeling well, and I've been homebound. I haven't been to the gym, and I really miss it. I'm still not up to working out. I haven't been eating that great either. I've been within my daily calories, but I'm not making the healthiest choices. I'm using my sickness as an excuse to be lax with my usual guidelines. Maybe that's okay to do, and maybe it isn't. I'll decide when I'm no longer sick. :)

I'm bloated like crazy, and that's not helping me feel much better!

As a result of the lovely bloat, I'm up my usual few lbs of water weight, that will be gone soon - hopefully!

I haven't celebrated my loss of Krissy yet because I haven't been up to it. Let's hope I'm better soon, or else I'll be celebrating Krissy and Carmen at once! I had an MD appt today, and they drew blood. Tomorrow AM I go in for testing, and I have a follow up appt on Thursday, so hopefully we can get to the bottom of this soon!



Alison... said...

Yes, stay away from the gym until you're better - that's always my advice.


Kristen said...

Oh believe me, I can barely function. I won't be going to the gym until I'm better.

lanie said...

Sorry you're feeling so yucky! Hopefully you'll be back to yourself soon. Letting your body rest and recoup when your sick or you've pushed it too hard is a good thing to do for it! Just sorry you feel so blah that this isn't even a choice.:(

Kitty said...

thinking of you...