Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My next two victims

This is getting to be FUN!

If you read the comments on my blog, you will see that I have two new volunteers to be lost by me!

They are sisters, so it's kind of like a two-fer.

Ladies - I'll need pictures! I can rip them off your blogs actually...

Carmen currently weighs 135 lbs. Kristina weighs 146. They are trying to lose baby weight, but let's hope that doesn't happen before I lose them, or it will be very confusing for me.

Order of women to lose:

That tiny gymist whose name is escaping me: 84 lbs - DONE
Krissy: 115 lbs - 8 lbs to go (Target loss date - Apr/May 08)
Carmen: 135 lbs - 28 lbs to go (Target loss date - July 08)
Kristina: 146 lbs - 39 lbs to go (Target loss date - August 08)

Cobabe girls - this gives you too much time to lose the weight you're trying to lose, so please be a dear and just put your diets on hold. You're beautiful already! Celebration for losing a double set of Cobabes? Trip to visit you in northern Cali!!!

Pictures to soon follow.

Mom - Cobabe is the maiden name of Carmen and Kristina. I'm not being fresh. :)


Alison... said...

Olka Korbut is the gymnast you lost, stoop

Carmen said...

Yay! We made the blog :) I didn't even know my sister wanted you to lose her too. We must be related or something. lol!