Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Focus on the Positive

I just went through my records, and I'm down 20 lbs since I had my last fill 6 weeks ago. Unfortunately, as of today, that 20 is technically 17, but that's still about 3 lbs lost each week.

For some reason, today is a hungry day for me. I had a 100 calorie meal replacement bar, and a 1/3 of a banana (that was gross, so I threw the rest out), and I'm feeling hungry. Maybe I do need a fill after all.

Yesterday was a very busy day. I had a lot of work to do. I worked until almost 8 - went to the gym for about 45-50 minutes, came home a little after 9, updated my fitness blog, watched a little tv and went to bed.

Today I have to leave work at 3:30 to get to my MD's office for 4PM, so hopefully my day will be less crazy than yesterday. The usual wait time is 2-3 hrs for the appointment, so I'll be done by 6 or 7, and then I'm heading up to Manchester to work out. I will grab a skim milk at the store on my way, to make a Carnation instant breakfast with for my dinner, since I'll be on liquids.

By the time I work out and get home, it will probably be 8:30 or 9. I need to go to bed early tonight, because I plan to be in Boston for 7AM tomorrow morning. The fun just keeps on going and going!

My office is infested with lady bugs, and one just fell out of my hair. Awesome!


Alison... said...

OK bug comment - gross, thanks for sharing.

and you have been struggling for a while to get down barely any food but because you're hungry today,that means you need a fill?

you're crazy girl.

Anonymous said...

OK, perhaps the lady bugs hiding in your hair are causing you to think your not losing weight...lol. You are doing so well. You have completely devoted everything in your life to healthier living and you look great. Today Caritas tomorrow America's Next Top Model??????

Alison... said...

Oh man, TJ would be in hog heaven [no pun intended] if he actually knew someone on that show!

Tyra mail!!!!

Anonymous said...

True Day Ali, True Dat!!