I got myself a 105 lb weight loss instead!
What a difference six months makes. I feel like a different person. I am a different person. Well, I'm still me, just better and healthier. I've upgraded.
As I noted on Kitty's blog recently, before I started healthy living, I had my priorities confused. I was very focused on becoming a CEO as soon as possible, which meant working unhealthy hours (oven 70-80/week), while attending school, and just vegging out in the rare free time I had because I was so exhausted, and carrying around all that extra weight wasn't helping!
I ate poorly because I was always so busy, and I would constantly eat at McDonald's because I was on the go, and it was easy to eat that food while driving. On an especially bad day (and there were many of those) when I had to eat McDonald's for breakfast and lunch and had, say, Pizza Hut for dinner, I would consume nearly 4200 calories and 214 grams of fat. I'm sure I averaged in the mid 3000's each day.
You don't get as big as I was by eating salads every day! :0)
The track I was on may have lead me into a CEO position sooner rather than later, but I also probably would have been dead at 40. That's not the right way to do things. Life is not a race, and if you run it, you'll miss all the good parts. I was so concerned with achieving specific goals by specific ages that I missed out on parts of my youth/young adulthood. Thankfully, I made these changes at 30, and hopefully I still have many years ahead of me to live.
I am still very much focused on my work, but I try to work more of a normal work week. I've had to scale back on my hours in order to fit the gym in, as well as eating dinner at a normal hour. I'm also now more focused on interest in a possible COO role, because I love operations, and I feel like I can be accomplished but still have a life if I'm not in the #1 hot seat. I know these goals may seem lofty, but if you shoot for nothing, that's exactly what you'll hit.
As I continue to make healthy changes in my life, I may decide I want a different career totally, and that's okay too. Health and happiness are my goals now. Last year, they were money and success. I'm not sure when I changed from wanting to save the world to wanting to make lots of money and have lots of things, but I'm morphing into a healthy combination of both of those people.
I can't live on dreams and hopes, but I can't live for the things either.
I have read that weight loss surgery is considered successful if you lose 50% of the extra weight you have to lose. I have already done that, but I'm not stopping here! I was thinking about that, however, earlier this week, and if I had been told I would only lose 50% of the weight I had to lose, I still would have had the lap band in a heart beat.
I know as I lose more weight, my life is going to change in more and more positive ways, but I have already experienced SO many positives, it's hard to believe that it's going to be even better! I can't believe how many things I held back from doing because of my size. I just got used to it, but now that I don't feel held back, I want to do everything!
...talk about a new lease on life...
Thank you for joining me on this journey!!
You seem sooooo happy and you deserve it. Play, party, enjoy your life. I wish you love & happiness. I don't think anyone will ever question you ability to succeed. Congrats on the 105 mark!!!
That is so sweet!!! Thank you so much, Mr. T!
CEO to COO, way to pull in the reigns Ms. Type A.
but yes, you have changed your life completely and I am very proud of you.
Work-fun-happiness-good health-lofty goals...sounds like you're balancing it all quite nicely. You go girl! CONGRATS on all that you've achieved so far are all that lies ahead.
You have such a healthy mind and a healthy body quickly catching up! You so get it!!!
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