Monday, May 12, 2008

The Pre-fill dilemma

I have a fill tomorrow, which means liquids for 3 days, mushies for 2 after that. Boooooring. I would like to have something a little bit delicious today since I'll be on boring stuff for the next five days, but I don't want to jeopardize my weigh in tomorrow. I was hoping to be down 120 lbs, and I'm down 121. I'm pleased with my progress, and I don't want to ruin it.

I know I shouldn't think this way - like I have to get in something good before this boringness, but I do. I really do eat to fuel my body, but I try to enjoy eating still. Why wouldn't I? So yes, I do still enjoy eating, and usually I like to enjoy things that are very healthy. From time to time, though, I want to enjoy something that's not healthy. I think that's okay, as long as it's in moderation, and if it makes me feel like junk the way the popcorn did, I don't want it anymore. Even better.

I'm sure I'll come up with some way to have a yummy meal today that's not bad for me. Perhaps sushi!

1 comment:

Alison... said...

I think that you SHOULD think the way you do in that you want something extra delish before going on liquids and boring mushies for 3 days. You're very regimented with always eating healthy and you will still make a healthy choice even now before your fill so why not eating something yummy before having to go on liquids/mushies - why is that a bad way to think?
