Saturday, May 10, 2008

Half the man I used to be

Ew. That's disturbing, and not at all what I meant!

I'm not half the person I was quite yet, but I did fit into half of my pants!

I'm going through all my clothes (again) to get rid of things that are too big for me, and I found a pair of pants that I used to wear before I started losing weight. I couldn't believe how big they were!

You always see those before and after pictures of people fitting into one leg of their before pants, so I decided to try it, and it worked! I'm no where near goal, but I'm already fitting into one side of my before pants. Cool!

I'll post a pic of this phenomenon eventually. I already put them away, and I'm in the middle of a lot of things, but I will show you. It's a riot.

1 comment:

Alison... said...

yes, you need to post a pic of that!