Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm sorry, was there something wrong with your Omelet?

Darcy and I went out for breakfast today, and I decided to change things up, so I ordered an omelet. Naturally, I couldn't eat much of it, but I had about 1/4 of it...maybe a little less. I always hide my wasted food under a napkin so that the waitress doesn't think I'm not happy with my meal, or even worse - a closet eater (LOL), and I did the same today.

When she brought the bill over, she said "I'm sorry! Was there something wrong with your omelet? You didn't eat any of it." I told her I actually did eat some of it, but it was really big, and I couldn't eat all of it because I can't eat much. I almost told her that I had surgery, but I decided against boring her with my life story.

I can't get over restaurant portions, though. They are ridiculous! I really wish places served half portions, but alas, that is rare. For now, I'll continue to hide my leftovers under my napkin, hoping that the waitress doesn't peak before tossing it out!


Kitty said...

a lot of places do serve 1/2 have to ask for them

we often split one meal...I agree, restaurant portions are way out of control

Alison... said...

I always thought restaurant portions were big, which is why I always take 1/2 home! I know that is not your thing and I know you can't really split a meal with Darcy because you guys never order the same thing. It's tough at breakfast because it's not like you bring it home, but you should bring home left overs from lunch or dinner meals.

PS - Did you have sushi last night? I'm dying for it!

Kristen said...

I do take things home that reheat well, but often I go out for breakfast, and it doesn't work out well to reheat eggs. Ew! Yes, we had sushi. Let's go this weekend!

Alison... said...


Eggs don't bounce back very well when taken home
