Friday, May 16, 2008

Kristen, is that you?

Why yes!

I was walking down the hallway at work today, and someone I work with, who I don't see often, called after me, "Kristen, is that you?!" She said she couldn't believe how trim I was getting! I don't know that I would use the word "trim," but I'll take the compliment!



Alison... said...

you're skinny, not trim


Anonymous said...

Trim, skinny, fit, they are all compliments. Bask in the glory. I was somehow allowed back to view your blog after a temporary lapse here at work

Kristen said...

I'm not trim, skinny or fit, but I do like the compliments anyway! Glad to have you back, TJ! :)

Anonymous said...

You are on your way