Thursday, August 21, 2008

Whatcha eatin'?

As I've mentioned in previous posts, being sick is not a friend of eating least not for this kid! Today is the 2 week anniversary of me being sick. I ate junk the first 2-3 days, and then I said enough was enough, and I ate healthy for the next few days, but then I wasn't getting any better, and I just got lazy with my food choices, and then I tried to be good again, and then we had all this leftover junk in the house and we ate out a few meals, so I wasn't eating as well as I should, and then at the beginning of this week I started with my healthy routine again, but then when I saw my MD and she told me how sick I was and that I should rest, I started to slump into overeating and making bad choices again.

I think I went through a similar phenomenon this past winter (late December or early January) when I had the same sickness, and it put my weight loss on hold. I think I went through a three week time span in January when I was sick, and I didn't lose any weight. As soon as I felt better, I was back with a vengeance! I can't wait to hit that point again, but I know I need to get better first.

For now, I'm going to do my best one day at a time, and I'm going to hold myself accountable by posting my daily food diary:

Breakfast: Kashi Multigrain Blueberry waffles with sugar free syrup
Lunch: Grilled Turkey Kielbasa with caramelized onions, mustard and horseradish on a Joseph's Flax Oil/Whole Grain Tortilla with baby carrots
Snack: Kiwi
Dinner: I plan to have 3 oz of grilled pork chops with garlic grilled green beans and baked sweet potato "fries"

Daily totals
Calories: 858
Fat: 32 g
Fiber: 24.3 g
Protein: 54.6 g


Anonymous said...

Dinner sounds delicious to me. You are such a little gourmet even when it comes to cooking light.

I am so lazy, I marvel at the planning and calorie couting you do. It is a lot of work but I guess the results speak for themselves.

Alison... said...

First of all, where'd you get the drawing of me?????

It's hard to be dilligent on anything healthy when you're sick. You've been bad for you but not too too bad over all. Your calories haven't gone over 1400, right? That's not bad...

But I can see why you feel slumpy over that since you're always so good about healthy food and daily activity.

Now that you have been to the dr and have meds, you will be feeling tip top very soon!

Alison... said...

I'm totally annoyed that you haven't blogged since thursday!

Kitty said...

Once you're feeling better you will bounce back to your routine of healthy choices and activity cuz that's what is normal for you now...YAY!'s so hard when you feel lousy. Get yourself better and things will fall into place. You rock!