Friday, August 8, 2008


I feel like junk today. I'm tired, warm, my chest is burning, I can't stop wheezing whenever I inhale/exhale, my cough is loud, gross and annoying... It's not fun. I prefer to be healthy, thank you.
I'm obsessed with this Clark Rockefeller thing. I can't get enough of it. My obsession started the day I was driving to work, and I saw the amber alerts for the black SUV with red sox plates and stickers. I was driving down the road, weaving in and out of traffic to get a good look at every black SUV in my path. I'm insane, oh yes.
I never dreamed it would turn into all this! It's all very exciting for me. I can't wait for the movie. I really can't wait to find out how it all turns out! At this point, he should just spill his guts, but I think that may be a bit anticlimactic. You can't make this stuff up, seriously.
That has nothing to do with health, but I just had to mention it. Every decade or so, I get obsessed with some crime. I always pick the good Pam/e Smart when I was in high school. We used to correspond with each other - oh yeah. I would get cards from her on Disney stationary, and I'd read them to my class at school. I was on the student council, and I remembered (from one of the many books I read about her) that she was too, so I'd ask for her advice on certain student council issues. I'm a nutty nut.
So I'm sick and obsessed, and I can't be bothered with thinking about working out or eating healthy. When I'm sick, all bets are off. It's not a good thing, but it's a thing. I just don't care about counting calories or eating my normal portions of blah, blah, blah. I just want to veg out in front of the TV and do whatever makes me feel a little better.
When I'm no longer sick, I'll evaluate this pattern to see if I should change. For now, it is what it is. So there. ;-)


Alison... said...

I can't believe there weren't more strange public cases that you were into - so many strange ones! Rhonda and I have been into all of them!

I'm sorry you're sick... rest and feel better so you can enjoy some of the weekend, it's going to be sunny and beautiful tomorrow and you can't spend a beautiful sunny summer day sick in bed!

Get well!

Anonymous said...

Sorry your sick! Obsessed with Clark Rockefeller. That seems weird to me Kristen Johnson & Johnson (if that is your real name. Corresponded with Pammy Smart did you. Should I be warning Darcy about anything???

Kristen said...


She's innocent! :)

Accountant said...

You asked Pam Smart for advice?
Ooh kay.....
i'm backing away verrry slowly....

however, I am obsessed with a trial now too...the 2 guys in wakefield that were killed in 06. The wife of one of the guys was fooling around with the alledged shooter. I know the victims and the area of NH they are from, my family had a house there for, it's sad knowing a murder victim but makes the watching that much more intense.
Feel better.
And Pam Smart? Not so much.

Kristen said...

Don't be afraid of a Pam/e Smart obsessed teen. You'll have that. At least I wasn't obsessed like Billy Flynn...that would be for real bad.

It's very strange knowing a murder victim. One of my friends from high school was murdered by her husband, and it's very surreal.