Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Warning: TMI

(That means too much information, Mom.) :)

Last night I made a lasagna full of protein. It is so important for us to get in high amounts of protein each day, but not being able to eat large quantities of food presents a problem. My plan was to pack as much protein in as small of a package as possible. Truly, I made a meatsagna.

It was delicious. You can check out the recipe at: http://www.lowphatcooking.blogspot.com/

I know that most people who have the lap band are not able to eat pasta unless it is cooked very well. I have had pasta in soup with no trouble, so I thought I would be okay.

I had a half of a small piece of lasagna, and I felt fine. A bit full, but fine. A few hours later, I went to bed, and I woke up at 11 with some discomfort, but I fell back asleep. At midnight, I woke up again with more discomfort and pretty bad nausea. I thought I had come down with a stomach bug.

I had severe gas pain in my chest that I would have thought was a heart attack if I hadn't read about the phenomenon I was experiencing in all of my prior research. Food was stuck and air was trapped in my chest, and my stomach was producing mucus in an attempt to free the trapped food.

Again, you may want to skip these next parts, but I want to include it all for those of you considering getting the lap band. If you just read my blog because you think it's interesting and sometimes even humorous, you can skip the below.

I ended up vomiting quite a bit of mucus, and finally a tiny piece of pasta came up that had been stuck around my band. It was the item causing so much trauma. An hour and a half later, I was all set.

The worst part in all of this is that I made a giant meatsagna to freeze into individual pieces to take with me to work for a nice high protein lunch, and now it is going to waste.

Oh well, you live and learn!

This was the first time I could even tell I had a band, so at least I know it is there and my experiences are similar to the experiences of others.

I will be much more sensitive when I get my first fill in two weeks, so I will be winding down on the non lap band friendly foods that I have been able to eat in preparation for that.

Have a wonderful day!


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