Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mini Plateau

I know it's only because I want to hit fifty, and then take a break from the scale... I was off by 2 oz. LOL. 2!

Anyway, I don't feel that bad...I read on my yahoo group that one bandster has been hovering over the 100 mark for a week now, with a 99.5 lb loss. How nerve wracking!

I think this is because I started working out again. That is the same thing that happened during the liquid diet. I was taking in so few calories, as soon as I started working out, my body shut down and stopped losing weight.

I *want* to work out. I want to be firm and healthy. I enjoy exercise. I don't know how to take in more calories at this point, but I will try and see if that helps. I think I'm ready to eat chicken and veggies now. I know it's a few days early, but everyone is different. I healed much faster than most too.

I don't want to eat mashed potatoes and eggs each meal. That's not even very healthy! I want to start eating well balanced meals so that I have the energy and nutrients I need to finish healing and to get in shape.

I'm going to try having tuna fish today. That will be a good mushy transition. (Ew!)

We are off to Hampshire Hills this morning with Steph and Carolyn, if they ever get here. Kidding! They are late, but that is par for their course.

When we get back from the club, I have a nice home improvement project to work on, so I should be a busy bee today.

Make it a good one!


1 comment:

Andria said...

Gah! That sounds so frustrating! I know you're not the type to wait around, but hang in there. Patience, patience. Sounds like you're still doing well though...