Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One... is the loneliest number

JK. One day 'til surgeray.

In 24 hours, I will be arriving at the hospital for my surgery, a half hour before I am supposed to. This may pose a bit of a challenge considering I will have my Mom and Darce in tow. They are a match made in heaven, when it comes to trying to get them out of the house. :) Love you both, though!!! haha

I think I will tell them my surgery has been moved up to 9:30, and I need to get there by 8. That way, I will get there at 8:30, which is a half hour earlier than I need to arrive, and the exact time I would like to arrive. Let's just hope they aren't reading this, or my plan may be foiled!

Today I have the day off from work, which is a good thing. I do not want to be rushed. We are staying in MA tonight so that we have a quick drive to the hospital in the morning. My plan for the day consists of packing, a few last minute cleaning items, perhaps going out to lunch with Mom, and then the three of us are going to the movies tonight.

I thought a big distraction would be a good way for us to get tired without having thoughts running through our heads... I'm always thinking. ;-)

I'm going to have boiled eggs for breakfast, a salad with some kind of protein for lunch and a liquid dinner. I want to have as much protein as possible today, so that I will be my best for surgery tomorrow...especially since I had a few days where I was feeling so weak. We can't have that!

I have read so many stories about the experiences of fellow bandsters, that I think I have a pretty good idea of what to expect. Tomorrow, after surgery, I will be consuming some type of liquid, either a tbls of water or a tbls of broth or a tbls of protein drink every 15 minutes or so. I may be able to walk pretty soon, especially depending on the pain meds they give me. The next few days are going to be painful - partly because of the incisions, and largely because of the gas they pump your abdomen with when they operate. I have heard many descriptions of the feeling, but the consensus seems to be somewhere around a freight train sitting on your chest.

Today, that sounds like an exaggeration, but tomorrow and the days following, I will know for sure!

I want to know when I can start exercising again. I have had to stop because I haven't been well, and I'm eager to get back to the gym, and to start my tennis lessons, etc... I know it will be a few weeks, but I wonder if I could at least start walking right away. I'm sure I will find out tomorrow!

That is all for now - wish me luck!

I may post again tonight one last time, but we shall see.



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