Wednesday, October 3, 2007


It's 5:22 PM on October 3rd, and I am sitting in my hospital room. D and Mom just went out for Italian food. The nerve! Just kidding - I insisted!!!

I'm not the slightest bit hungry.

Here is a breakdown of my day since we last spoke:

We left the house at 8:09, 9 minutes later than planned. D and Mom were laughing at me because I was saying we were late, but guess what? We were! :) I drove the last 2 miles in the breakdown lane, and I arrived to the hospital at 9:04. It didn't matter, but I'm just sayin'... ;-)

In the same day surgery waiting room, I decided to use the rest room out of boredom mainly, and when I was finished, the nurse brought me in to change into a very flattering johnny. She asked me to provide her with a urine specimen. (Sorry - TMI, I know...) First of all, I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in twelve hours, and secondly I had *just* gone!

Thankfully, a I was able to conjure up the tiniest bit, and that as enough.

They brought me and my johnny to a pre-op area where they asked me questions, reviewed the upcoming sequence of events, gave me a breathing treatment for my asthma, a shot of something in the hip with a bloodthinner, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist came by to discuss the game plan, and then they started the IV.

At this point, Mom and Darce were allowed to come in and see me while they made the final preparations for surgery. They heard me cackling/laughing with the staff from the waiting room, so they knew I was in good spirits.

The anesthesiologist gave me a little nip of drugs in my IV to calm me down, as standard procedure, and I was on the way to the OR. Actually, Mom and Darcy thought I was already on drugs when they saw me because I was so calm!

When I arrived in the OR, the staff started asking me about where I worked, and I told them. Suddenly it was old home day - everyone knew someone I knew from work, etc... They started calling me a VIP because I was a Director at Caritas. They were very cute. Several of them asked for jobs, which I know was for conversation more than anything else, but I must say - I couldn't dream of splitting up this well oiled machine that Dr. Randall works with!

We chatted about my two homes, and how I have enjoyed the summer on the water tremendously, and then I was sleeping. The next thing I knew, I was in recovery, and they were waking me up. I didn't fight it - I knew I was supposed to wake up, so I did...even though I didn't really want to.

I was shocked at how little pain I was in. Don't get me wrong, I felt pain, but just not all! Perhaps that will start tomorrow!

While I waited in the PACU for nearly two hours as they changed shifts, hunted down my pharmacy orders, found me a new room (I was supposed to have a single, but they had an unexpected admission of someone who had to be in a single), etc, I read through my chart and the notes from surgery. It was interesting. Then I changed into my pants - HUMAN AGAIN!

As soon as I got to my room, I went for a walk with my Mom and D. They are concerned I'm overdoing it, but the hospital staff says it's fantastic!

I am surrounded by may laptop, iPod, portable DVD player, book, drawing pad, etc... This is fantastic. Darcy has been so cute - hiding cards for me in every little place I stumble upon.

The respiratory therapist came in to test my peak flow, and she said my breathing is fantastic.

The RN tried to give me percoset, but I would not take it on an empty stomach. It would make me sick. I'm on dilaudid instead, and it's making me sleepy!

I'm going to go for one more quick walk before I doze off.

All in all, it's been a great day. Last night, I had a very brief mini breakdown in my head when I was certain I would meet my death today, but that only lasted a few minutes, and the rest of the time I was just fine.

I can't believe how easy this process has been.

The woman I was sharing a room with has been moved, so I will have a private room after all. I'm going to go for a quick walk now before D and Mom get back from dinner, so they will not harass me for trying to get better!

I know they are just looking out for me, and I love them for it!

Thanks for everything!



1 comment:

Andria said...

Aww, you sound in such great spirits. I'm so proud of you. You are going to do great!