Saturday, October 20, 2007


I made it into my designated next pair of goal pants today. By "made it into," I mean I fought them and won... (You have all seen sausage made, right? It was kind of like that, but I still did it, and I'm still glad!) I certainly won't be wearing them socially for another week or so, but I got them on and that is what counts. They are 5 sizes smaller than the pants I was wearing 6 weeks ago.

Everyone keeps asking me what prize I'm going to get myself for the big five o accomplishment, and I'm going to get an outfit. Determining the size should be the challenge. I can get something that fits me nicely right now, but then I'll only be able to wear it for a month (hopefully). I am thinking of getting an outfit that's just a little too small... something that will fit in another 10-15 lbs. That way I can look forward to wearing it, but not for too long that it goes out of style, and it can be my next goal outfit too!


Last night I had sushi, and it was fabulous. I wasn't able to eat much, but what I did have was delicious.

Today appears to be a rainy overcast day. I think we are going to switch out the vanities in the house in MA today. Fuuuun. After that, I'm going to go get my outfit.

The other day when I went to the gym, I went swimming after and my shirt was wet as I was leaving. Karen and I were going to go to Chili's after, and I didn't want to go in with a wet shirt, so I stopped by Marshalls and I bought a really obnoxious sweatshirt that has Japanese writing and pictures of sushi all over it and I wore that to Chili's.

Later that night, we went over Krissy and Bruno's to watch the Sox game, and I had my sushi sweatshirt on. 7-1 later, our friends are now convinced that the turning tides for the Sox was a result of my sweatshirt, and now they are insisting that I wear it to every game moving forward.

Tonight, sushi sweatshirt and all, we will be cheering on our Hometown Phatties (are we still considering baseball a sport?), as they move their chubby little bodies from base to base.



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