Due to the pending storm, we ended up leaving for our trip last night. I got home at 5PM (from a very busy day), cancelled all the hotel reservations, changed the rental car reservation, got everything ready, packed, picked up the rental car, loaded up the car, and we were on the road by 7:45. I feel like I must have forgotten...everything!
I was so tired. We drove until about 1:15 or so. We finally settled in at a hotel in Bethlehem, PA, and I was asleep by 2AM. I got up at 7AM, and we're going to hit the road by 8...hopefully. I don't know why the GPS sent us this way. It seems off the beaten track. We picked fasted route, not shortest route, so maybe that's why. There was a ton of construction, so perhaps that's why it chose this route...who knows. We have 355 miles down, 787 to go, so we're almost a third of the way there...almost. ;-)
We didn't have time to pack food or anything, so we are limited to fast food choices. Ick. I'm going to try to make as healthy choices as possible, but there are not many choices! Oh well...it's temporary. Next time, I'm going to pack a cooler ahead of time. It would be a much better idea!
PA is expecting this storm too, and it hasn't started yet, but I want to get out of here before it does! Hopefully the GPS didn't add time to my already lengthy trip. :)
Be safe!
Drive careful. Eat healthy. Don't speed. Have a nice safe trip.
Tell the Darc to have fun too!!
Packing a cooler eh? That is such a Kate Gosselin move!
I can't believe you're in PA and that you drove until 1:15 - oh my HEAD...
good job kids...
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