Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mall walking

D and I needed to go to the mall last night, so I ended up doing some mall walking for my exercise. D was in one store for 45 minutes (I know, I don't know how that's possible either!), so I cruised the mall the entire time. People probably thought I was rude as I was zooming past them, but oh well... It was warm in the mall, and I had a coat on, and I actually worked up a sweat, which was surprising, but affirming. I don't feel like I'm doing cardio effectively unless I sweat.

I was thinking of trying out the hot yoga this AM, hoping they had a 7AM class to get it out of the way early, but their earliest is 8AM. I'm going to head over to the gym instead.

I have a lot of work I need to do today before our halloween party tonight, so I'm counting on a productive day. Speaking of halloween, it's the little things that are nice - yesterday when we were at the mall, I went into the halloween store, and picked out a costume, not worried about it fitting, even though it's a generic costume in a bag. It was also nice to go into the "kids" stores like Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister, knowing that I could easily find things to wear there. However, as long as they are charging $90/sweat shirt, I will certainly not be taking advantage of my ability to shop there! :)

When I'm at goal, I'll spend some money on a few nice things, but I'll still be a bargain shopper at heart.


Alison... said...

you're no 73 and walking the mall. You can join my father in the mornings... he walks over at the mall at Rockingham park.


glad you put the mall time to GOOD use!

and it's a nice feeling to be able to shop at any store, huh?

I can't wait to experience that, I may actually go to the mall

Anonymous said...

Oh my head. I will show you how you spend 45 minutes in a store