Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fun with allergies

Mine are bad! I had class last night, and I was blowing my nose the entire time. I'm sure the people next to me were thrilled to be next to the germ pit. Today, my face is swollen, and one of my eyes is partially shut. Not quite as bad as Will Smith pictured above, but you get the idea.

I was also up all night with stomach pains. I've been having light pains (compared to gallbladder attacks) in my gallbladder region from time to time. It's not the severe pain I've had, but more of just a constant crampy feeling that makes me a bit nauseous.

I'm still struggling with my health, and I haven't felt on my game in quite some time. I need to rest more, and take it easy from time to time. I'm always going, and I think I need to stop. I'm not sure how to make the time for it, but I need to try harder.

I'm going to make an effort in this next week to make sure I'm eating 3 healthy meals each day, getting the rest I need, taking my vitamins, staying warm in the cold and finding a way to exercise. I'm looking forward to getting well soon. :)


Anonymous said...

Sorry you are still not feeling well. I know how demoralizing that can be when you are doing everything right. I am sending my best wishes you have a speedy recrovery.

Alison... said...

Maybe you should learn to get some sleep on the weekends.


sorry you're allergies are bad -


lanie said...

how bout yoga? good exercise and meditation(sort of) at the same time. sorry your feeling crummy!