Monday, October 13, 2008

Healthy Choices

Alison blogged today about how we need to rewire our thinking if we are going to have any chance at long term success with healthy living. She said that I am rewired, and I think for the most part, that is true. I still crave and eat bad things from time to time, and I have this whole journey, but I don't go overboard, and I don't make a habit of it. I don't give myself permission to eat unhealthy foods because of any reason I can think of - I eat unhealthy foods if I want them, not becuase it's a holiday or a wedding or a vacation, etc...

At the wedding on Saturday, I had one miniature piece of bruschetta (about 1.5 inches squared), a bite of strawberry soup, 2 oz of beef and 4 asparagus spears. The person next to me asked me if I didn't like the strawberry soup (which was very creamy), and I said I liked it, but I'm watching my weight, so I just wanted a taste. She said, "It's a wedding!" I think those associations are dangerous. You can find any excuse in the world to want to eat bad foods, and those excuses will add up to an unhealthy lifestyle.

I wasn't in the mood to eat unhealthy on Saturday night, but yesterday at breakfast, I had a half of a pastrami sandwich on rye. The mood struck. It's fine - I didn't really eat anything else for the rest of the day, so I was well under my 1000 calories per day, but I had it because I wanted it.

I believe I'm down another lb. It's coming off slowly, but it's coming off. I'm continuing to shrink - Alison noticed yesterday. I'm just going to keep on keepin on, and I know I'll reach my goals.


Alison... said...

You ARE shrinking, it's great!

and 1 meal yesterday... not good but I know you rarely do that.

I think you are totally re-wired, you naturally crave and gravitate to healthy foods.

Anonymous said...

You can't be good all the time.