Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sushi Sabotage

We had phenomenal sushi last night.  Well, I had 2 pieces.  I had planned to eat 3, but Stephanie ordered a delicious, fattening "ocean roll" which was crab and shrimp with a bunch of tempura mixed in, and all sorts of naughtiness, so even though one bite size is fairly small, I figured it counted for at least 2 pieces of sushi.  Since I had only budgeted 3 pieces in my journal, I stopped eating at that point.

I had a salad with oil free ginger dressing before the sushi came out, and I skipped out on the vegetable tempura, so all in all I think I did fine.  I requested the low sodium soy sauce, as I usually do, and I didn't think anything of using it.

Later last night, it occurred to me that I should have skipped the soy sauce altogether.  After all, we were eating at 7:30 PM which is a no-no to begin with - the last thing I need is to add is sodium at that hour!  Oh well, I'm still retraining myself, and there will be opporutnites for improvement along the way.  Even the type A's have a learning curve!  :)

After sushi, we went to the arcade.  I tried to pick the active things to do:  basketball, soccer, dance-dance-revolution, even skee ball is better than just standing in front of a machine, so that's how I spent the night.  Stephanie wanted to do the pedestal jousting, and Carolyn didn't, so I did it with her (pictures to be uploaded soon!). 

I can't tell you what a work out it is for us fatties!  I think it seriously gave me an asthma attack.  I don't know if it's because the gear weighs you down, or because you aren't on solid ground, but it's exhausting.  Stephanie and I were both ridiculously out of breath.  I can't wait to try it again when I've lost a good chunk of weight to see the difference.

So last night went as planned - I came home from work and had my protein/whole grain small snack that held me over quite well until our late (for me) dinner at 7:30.  I went to the gym, and I fought being there the whole time.  I was feeling so run down and tired - it took me 4 cardio machines to get my 35 minutes in.  LOL.  At the 20 minute mark, I really wanted to quit, but I told myself if I didn't get at least 30 minutes of intense cardio in, it doesn't count as a work out so I'd have to consider it my day off for the week, and I certainly wasn't willing to do that after already fighting to put 20 minutes in, so I kept on to the 35 minute mark. 

At our late dinner, I was careful to consume only 150 calories, so even though I had to eat late, I kept it to a minimum.  I was worried about the scale today.  The combination of eating after 7 and having soy sauce after 7 was worrying me that I was going to gain weight.  I know that weight fluctuates, but I've been trying *so* hard to eat perfectly, work out faithfully, incorporate more movement and exercise into my's just too early for a set back.

Thankfully, my fears were not realized, and I was down 2 lbs today.  I'm down 9 lbs in 3 days, and I think the overall picture is looking good at this point.  So my goal was to lose 80 lbs by 8/12/10.  I'm down 9, and I have 71 to go.  I'm thinking I can make this work!

I'm *really* looking forward to my kickboxing training today.  I have a 1 hour workout scheduled with our new personal trainer, and I am looking forward to her kicking my butt and helping me to develop a daily workout regimen that will maximize my opportunity for weight loss. 

On the food front for today, I have designtated today as my one day this week that I can have empty calories within reason.  I still wouldn't want to exceed 1200 calories for my "high" day at this point, and I may not choose to have any, but I know that making yourself feel deprived is a recipe for disaster, so if I want to have a little treat, God love me, I can.  :)

My meal plan for today:
Caration Instant Breakfast shake with banana:  250 calories
3 oz beef, whole grain pilaf and salad for lunch:  300 calories
Veggies and hummus for afternoon snack:  70 calories
Vegetable rice with chicken for dinner (1 c rice, 3oz chicken):  350 calories

Total calories for the day (without empty calories so far):  970

There goes that number, creeping up!  Yesterday 930, today 970.  I'm working out for an hour today, so I think it will be fine, but I'm watching that scale!


Alison... said...

Have a great work out.

Anonymous said...

As I read your entries it always hits me how uber prepared and organized one needs to be to be on a weight loss journey. Laziness is so ingrained in my DNA, I am doubtful i would have the desire to fully think out my menu in advance. Then again, I guess if it were important enough, I would just find the time like we do with the gym.

I think 71 is totally doable. Can't "weight" to party down next August with my superslim friend.