Saturday, October 31, 2009

Let's get Jolly!

I have been eating the Orville R's Smart Pop 100 calorie single serving bags of popcorn for 2 years now.  They are a nice, light snack, and it was a good way to get in 4 grams of fiber, which is always a tricky one for me to stay on track with.

Someone in my office has been making this Jolly Time popcorn for months now, and it smelled so good - I assumed it was full fat.  Just last week - she told me it was only one point, so I looked at the nutrition information, and saw it has 9 grams of fiber!!  It's made with whole grain corn.

Darcy picked me up a box, and let me tell you - it's one thousand times better than that cardboard I had been eating all along.  It's still clearly a light popcorn, and the serving size is small, but it's quite tasty, and a great source of natural fiber!  I'm sold.

I can't seem to lose weight.  I was about the same weight today (possibly 1 lb higher) than I was last Saturday.  I know I'm down 8-9 lbs in the past week and a half, but I was down that weight last Saturday.  It's not fun to work so hard and to not see a change in the scale.

I'm focusing on the positive, though.  My clothes are fitting better, I'm hardwired to workout each day, and I know if I stick with it, I'm going to see results eventually.  I'm on the express train to body just hasn't gotten the memo yet.  ;-)

I ended up doing 30 mins of yoga only yesterday - no swimming.  My arms were so bad, Darcy wanted me to go to the hospital - LOL.  By the end of the day, I couldn't touch my right arm to my face at all.   Thank God for that hot tub - the 15 minutes I spent in there were the only reprieve from the constant pain that I had all day.

My arms were so tight, they were emitting tons of heat.  Today, they are still very sore, but they aren't as bad as yesterday.  I'm going to the store in a few minutes to pick up some advil.  Hopefully that will help a bit.

Today is a full day:  errands - now, kickboxing/training at 10, then homework (lots, yuck), work work, visit little baby boy!, clean house, see Brooke - when can I fit in apple picking???  :)

There are truly never enough hours in the day!


Alison... said...

I wish I saw this blog entry before heading to the grocery store but I will pick up that popcorn next time

And 9 pounds in 1.5 weeks? Are ya kiddin me? That's fab.

Stephanie Carnes said...

I hope your arms feel better soon! That sounds really painful. :-(

Anonymous said...

Your right your body has not yet gotten the memo, but it will fall in line. I think you are doing awesome.

I might even try that popcorn myself. Love a good (read quick) snack. Perfect for someone lazy like

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