Tuesday, October 6, 2009

4 for 4

Since I caught a glimpse of myself on video last Saturday, I have had a good work out four out of four days.  Tonight I tried again to get out of it.  My arms and legs were sore, I was so tired from allergies, my back still hurt (my boss is finally ordering my new chair!!!), and I was telling myself that one day of rest, from time to time, is okay...but I made myself do it, and I'm glad!

I always feel SO good after working out, and tonight was no exception.  I made myself do it, and I felt 1,000 times better after.  I have been forcing myself to work out hard and fast enough so that I sweat a lot (and yes, I know that's gross, sorry), and the endorphins released are awesome.  I feel energized and great after.

So that's my story.  I hope I remember the feeling I have now tomorrow night when I go through this little dance with myself again.


Anonymous said...

Sweating is not gross, it is a great indicator that you are working hard and in the process getting some toxins out of your system. Great job on staying committed to your exercise routine. I feel the same exact way before and after every visit to the gym. I dread going initially, but always feel glad I went when it is over you do feel healthier and the endorphins are an added boost.

Alison... said...

Good job!

My work out was much lamer.