Friday, October 23, 2009


My personal trainer asked me to bring in a food journal, which was no problem since I record everything in fitday. I just printed up the past 3 days (including today through the end of the day - even though the day isn't over yet, I know exactly what I'm going to eat, so I'm all set.)

On Wednesday, I think I was still full from over-eating the day before, so I was fine with my 660 calories. Yesterday, I stuck to 860, but I was hungry off and on, and especially a bit hungry at night. Today, I'm planning to consume 930 calories.

I seem to be moving in an upward direction. I'm wondering if my metabolism is making me hungry because of the work outs, or if today is just a hungrier day than the past two.

For breakfast, I had sugar free carnation instant breakfast. For snack, I had a banana, for lunch, I had a Kashi frozen meal. I've been hungry since 1:30. I just bought a diet coke to wake me up and hold me over. It's working a little bit. We aren't going to have dinner until 7 or later, so when I get home from work, I plan to have 2 oz of steak and 2 tablespoons of whole grain pilaf to hold me over. For dinner, I'll have 3 pieces of sushi and a salad with ginger (oil free) dressing.

As you can see, there are no empty calories in the mix, but still, I'm pressing up against 1000 calories for the day. I'm not going to worry about it just yet. We'll see how it goes when I step on the scale in the morning. If I'm losing by only eating essential foods when I feel hungry, I'll stick to that plan.

If I'm not losing, I'll know it's time for a fill!

Also, it took me 45 minutes to get through my lunch. I was full, but I kept eating it, slowly. I'm thinking that I should start splitting up my lunch into 2 smaller meals. Then I can probably make the food stretch longer. I'll let you know how that goes. :)


Alison... said...

Yes, get a fill - you're way overdo.

Good job at keeping the cals down even though you're hungry.

I hope that 2 oz of steak tides you over, it sure wouldn't tide me over!


Kristen said...

it's in combination with a ridiculously whole grain thing i made - so i'm hoping the combination will give me the energy for my workout and hold me over until 7 or so.

Anonymous said...

I echo Ali's sentiments Get the will definitely help you feel better.