Wednesday, October 7, 2009

God love me...

For some reason, I have always loved turkey legs.  I'm definitely a dark meat taste buds must just *know* that it's less healthy.  In dark meat's defense, it's not bad for you - it's just not as low cal and low fat as white meat.  For example, a 3.5 oz serving of white meat has 161 calories and 4 grams of fat.  The same sized portion of dark meat has 192 calories and 8 grams of fat.  It's only a little higher in calories, but it's twice the fat.

No wonder it tastes so much better!


Since I have a pretty low fat diet, I'm certainly not going to worry about 4 grams of fat.  They have the same amount of protein, and dark meat is much higher in iron, which I'm short on, so my body must know what it's doing when it craves the dark meat!

I was trying to cook some healthy lunches, so I bought a 3 pack of turkey legs this week, and I cooked them last night.  For lunch, I'm having a small turkey leg with fresh green beans.  It's a very healthy and light lunch, and it's one that I thoroughly enjoy.  Very natural, low sodium, filling and good for me.

I am eating it with my office door closed, however, because I don't need my employees thinking I'm at King Richard's Fair!


Alison... said...

I buy chicken legs now and then but it never occured to me to buy turkey legs - I may have to try them some time.

now I'm hungry!

Stephanie Carnes said...

I love the last paragraph because I was picturing you walking around the office like you were at a festival!

Kristen said...

LOL - can you imagine??

Anonymous said...

OMG.I was thinking Henry the VIII. Too funny that visual.

I love the title of this blog