Wednesday, October 14, 2009

God wants me to be fat

That's what I'm starting to think.  LOL

I was in such a good groove, and I wasn't losing anything.  Then Darcy got sick, and I was super busy, so we didn't have any groceries.  I've been eating out for days now, which is never good, even with the right options. 

I've been feeling sick for the past few days/week or so, and I've been using too much salt because I can't taste anything.  I didn't weigh myself yesterday, but I weighed myself today and I was up 9 lbs since Monday.  LOL.  That is completely insane.

Completely.  It makes me want to throw in the towel.  I've reached a new high since losing all the weight, and I am up 35 lbs from my low point today.

I'm trying hard, I'm not losing, I'm gaining tons over tiny mistakes, and I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels.  I refuse to gain all my weight back, but I feel like my body is working against me.

I have an appointment with my new PCP next Wednesday, and I'm going to look into all of this with her.  I'm also going to have her refer me to an MD around here that can do a fill for me.

Honestly, I just really don't feel well.  I'm tired from being sick, even though I'm in bed by 9:30 each night.  My face/head is full of allergies.  I'm starting to get grumpy.  Can you imagine?  Me?  LOL. 

Don't read too much into this pathetic post.  I'll get over it as soon as I'm feeling better.  Let's just hope that is SOON.



Alison... said...

I can't get over how much your weight fluctuates! It really is crazy... It's so hard to keep sticking with it when you are gaining so quickly and easiy when you veer off course every so slightly... that really bites!

Sorry you're still feeling so sick! I hope you feel better soon.

Hope the construction is going well and quickly.

Take care and feel better.

If you need anything, let me know.

Anonymous said...

It can be very demoralizing to try and do the right thing and still not get the results you are hoping for. I think once you get a fill, and start to see the progress again, there will be no stopping you.

Your weight does flucuate like crazy..

lanie said...

Hope your better soon-you were doing so well back with your exercise plan...boy do i know how frustrating it is when you're trying so hard to do everything right and you still gain weight! How's your thyriod???