Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Non update

I'm not feeling well.  I have been fighting something off for over a week now, and it hasn't got the best of me yet, but I'm just really tired, run down, stuffed up, blah blah...  I'm having construction done at the house, so that makes everything worse for my breathing. 

I didn't work out last night, and once again, it didn't even occur to me, which is bad.  I got home from work feeling not so good, and then as the dust and construction particles were flowing into my lungs, I just wanted to get out of there.  Darcy and I went out to dinner and to a movie, and I went to bed as soon as I got home.

I felt so out of it when I got up today that I didn't even think to weigh myself, so you know there's something wrong at that point!  LOL

Anyway, per TJ's request, I leave you with this picture of Mario Lopez to get you through the day, and inspired to get into shape!  Lord knows you won't get that inspiration from me today.  ;-)


Alison... said...

The last time there was construction at the house, you got very very ill so maybe you should think about going to a pet friendly hotel for a few days? Just a thought.

Hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

You and "the" and Henry and Miller are all welcome to crash at my pad if you want.

Thank you for the Mario picture. I do believe it makes my morning a little brighter. I wasn't even thinking about him for workout inspiration, but I guess that is just another level he brings to the table.