Friday, October 30, 2009


(Can't do pics on the blog on Friday's - the PC I use is missing something.)

I thought I was sore yesterday, but that was NUTTIN compared to today. I could barely wash my hair - it hurts so much to bend my arms.

I was in a meeting first thing this morning, and I had an itch on my face. I was trying to bring my hand up to my face to scratch it, and it hurt so bad, it took forever to get there. I can't imagine what I must have looked like. LOL

I skipped my work out yesterday. I didn't want to, but it just happened. My arms were very sore, and my knee was really bothering me so I figured if I was going to take a day off (which I know I need to from time to time), it was a good day.

That is what I thought before I met today. Today, my knee is still completely stiff, and I can't move my arms. I can't take 2 days off in a row, so I'm open to suggestions from my readers!

Swimming is out. There's no way my arms will make it. I'm thinking exercise bike, but I have to be somewhat careful with my knee because we are doing legs with our trainer in the AM, and I want to be in good shape (as much as possible) for that.

Today is going to be a calorie challenge. I already accidentally had frosted flakes for breakfast,


How does one accidentally eat a sugary breakfast cereal for breakfast? In the building I work in on Friday's, there is a vending machine that has cereal and milk, even skim milk. I love this because if I'm running late, I can get a healthy breakfast here.

It was too early for me to eat breakfast before leaving for my meeting at the hospital, so when I got into this office after that, I went to the vending machine to get cereal. There are usually quite a few options, but today, they only had corn flakes and frosted flakes.

I used to LOVE frosted flakes as a kid. This is a weird vending machine. You put the money in, and then press the mechanical arrows to get the food to rotate around. When your selection is in front of you, you slide open a little window and take it out.

For some reason, I thought if I left the window open, I could put my selection back and keep browsing. Ah, no.

So I pulled out the FF to see the nutrition information, and they had 70 more calories than the corn flakes - *not* worth it to me at all. I tried to put them back, but it wouldn't let me.

Now, as a person who wastes far too much money, I don't know why it didn't occur to me until just now, as I type, that I could have just bought the corn flakes too and left the frosted flakes for someone else to take off the counter. I'm an idiot.

So with the skim milk, my breakfast was 300 calories. I'm usually around 150, so now I'm starting off in the hole.

We are having lunch today at La Caretta's, which means I'll get my steak taco salad that I adore. It's not terrible for you, but red meat is high in calories, cheese and sour cream add up quickly too.

I already have a strategy, and I've already put my calories in for my lunch:

I'm going to set aside 3 oz of red meat and put the rest on another plate, I'm going to eyeball one oz of cheese, 1/4 cup of sour cream and put the remaining cheese and sour cream on the other plate as well. It will still then be a 477 calorie lunch, which is much higher than usual, but we are going to have salad and sushi for dinner, so my dinner will be less than 200 calories, and it will all work out to a 937 calorie day, unless I am hungry for a snack, and then I'll have a banana.

Yes, TJ, it does take a lot of planning to make this all work.


Last night I did something I never do - I had a snack at 9:30.

I had dinner at 4:45, got my hair cut, met up with Brooke, and ended up spending more time with her than originally planned. By 9:30, I was starving, so I had a 100 calorie bag of popcorn.

I was up 8 lbs last night as compared to the morning, and I was very annoyed, but this morning, the 8 lbs were gone and I weighed the same weight as yesterday morning, so I'm still down 9 lbs total.

My weight fluctuation is ridiculous, and yes, I weigh myself too much.


Anonymous said...

I eat Frosted Flakes almost every day. i hate to state the obvious, BUT they are Greeeeeat!

You should work out today even though it will hurt, I would just stay focused on arms, chest, or back as you are doing legs in the morning.

GREAT job with the weight loss. You really do weigh yourself much too much, and yes, this diet planning sounds exhausting!

Kristen said...

Okay, so maybe I will try to go swimming then, if you think I should just power through with my upper body, and leave the legs alone, and maybe I'll do chest/back at the gym too. I can't even imagine the thought of lifting a weight right now, but I trust you, Mr. Howard.

Way LOL re: FF!!!!!

Unknown said...

I think the exercise has shrunk your brain... I can't believe you didn't think to buy corn flakes -

I think you should do yoga today... stretch the muscles out and you can count it as a work out, that is my suggestion.

8 pounds after eating a 100 cal popcorn at night?


Anonymous said...

Well do you arms and chest OR shoulders and back. You should do arms and chest one day, back and shoulders another day and legs a third day and rotate. You need to give your muscle groups a day or two to grow after your work out.

Kristen said...

We have a winner.

I'm going to do yoga and swimming.

Good plan!!

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