Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A doozy of a day

Today is going to be a busy one. I'm working from home this AM because I have an MD appointment. They are checking my blood levels to see if I'm still severely anemic. I hope I'm not. I've been 90% good about taking my iron 2x/day, and I've been trying to east iron rich foods.

My schedule today:

6:00 - Up and working, weighed myself, no change on the scale
7:00 - Thyroid meds and 20 oz water, continue working
8:00 - 20 oz water (I should be eating breakfast...), continue working
9:00 - Breakfast (eggs, low fat cheese, veggies in whole grain wrap), shower, dress
9:30 - 20 oz water, back to work
10:00 - pack lunch of whole grain pita (1/2), hummus and cucumber, leave for MD appt
11:00 - MD appt
12:00 - drive to Boston
12:30 - eat lunch, catch up on emails/voicemails
1:00 - 5:00 - meetings, 40 oz water
5:00 - drive home to NH (banana snack)
6:30 - arrive in NH, try to catch up on work while eating dinner (leftovers of wholegrain pasta with grilled chicken, artichoke hearts and tomato sauce)
7:00 - Gym with D (upper body)
8:00 - Leave gym, get home, changed, out to meet Steph and Carolyn
10:00 - Home, go to bed, big day tomorrow

Today I will consume 777 calories, 64 grams of protein, 20 grams of fiber, 100 oz of water and 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables. I have a Fiber One bar with me if I need a mid day snack. 140 calories and 9 grams of fiber, which would bring my total to 917 calories, 29 grams of fiber, and 66 grams of protein.

No, I don't intend to bore you with my schedule every day, but I know how hard it can be to find the time to plan for healthy living, and it's something I work very hard to do, so perhaps my schedule can be of help, either as a healthy living plan or perhaps as a sleep aid.


As I mentioned above, I haven't lost any weight in the past few days. I'm not surprised after losing 10 lbs in a week! I was up a few lbs the past few days, but I think it was just water weight, or my body adjusting back to weight training. Either way, it's gone now and I'm back to my lowest.

Last night I was super hungry by the time I got home. I haven't been that hungry since before my last fill. I may need a fill after all!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

OMG this lap band is like math class. I vringe when I see you have to do all the I just need to not smoke. No counting involved for

Alison... said...

777 calories... that's very low... eek!