Friday, March 14, 2008

I got nuthin... far as a loss goes, that is. I'm still up a few lbs from when I came back from the trip. I ate very well, for the most part, but you just don't know how things are prepared. I didn't get enough water in either. Plus, the past two nights I've had dinner at 9 - which is a major no-no. That alone usually makes me to be up a few lbs.

I'm marinating chicken thighs today, and I'm going to have them for dinner with salad, green beans, and some type of whole grain. D doesn't usually get home from work until 7 or so on Fridays, so I'm going to eat without her.

I have a mountain of work to do, two weeks worth of homework, an hour (at least) to work out, and it's Friday night - aren't Friday's supposed to be fun? I'm thinking this one won't be, but that's okay.

Tomorrow we are going to Hampshire Hills, cleaning the house, running errands, and going to visit with friends for a St. Patrick's day meal at night. I will only eat a little corned beef! Sunday, we're going to visit a church in Nashua that we visited a few years ago. We liked it, but I don't remember why we never went back - I'm guessing because it wasn't close enough to home. Then we'll have lunch with my grandmother (I should let her know this!), and then to Hampshire Hills again!

I'm hoping next week won't be as crazy as this one has been.



Alison... said...

Sorry you didn't have a loss this week... you're soooooo close to that 100 mark... I'm sure now that you are back into the normal routine, you will have a good loss.

Kitty said...

I'm tired just thinking about what you have to do : ) You're amazing!